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Downtown, Newark, NJ

Charities Registration & Investigation Section



(973) 504-6215
Due to COVID-19, messages by phone may result in a delayed response.  Please email your inquiry to the email listed on this webpage.

Inquiries about the Section may be forwarded to

Charities Registration & Investigation Section
P.O. Box 45021
Newark, N.J. 07101


Mandatory Online Filing of Paid Fund Raisers

Please be advised, after June 1, 2021 Independent Paid Fund Raisers or Fund Raising Counsel Initial and Renewal Registrations, Solicitors Registrations, Contracts, Commercial Co-Ventures,  Notice of Intent to Solicit Funds and Campaign Reports will be mandatory to file online.  All documents, payments, and the required signature page will need to be uploaded through the portal.  All forms received through the mail will not be accepted and will be returned to you. 

Once the forms have been completed, you will be asked to print-out, sign, and upload the appropriate signature page​​. The signature page applies to all forms with the exception of  Contracts and Co-Venture Contracts which has a signature check off certification in the portal.

Mandatory Online Filing of Charities Registration and Extension Requests

Please be advised, after October 31, 2018 initial application for Charities Registration will be mandatory. The online filing for Charities renewal registration became mandatory on May 1, 2018.

Charity Initial and Renewal Registration Forms and Extension Requests received through the mail will not be accepted and will be returned to you.

Charities Registration Portal Changes

As ​​of December 11, 2017 changes will be made to the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs Charities Registration portal.​

After that date you will be able to complete and submit online, the following forms:

CRI 200​CRI 500PR
CRI 500P
CRI 150I
CRI 400CCO 500

Once the forms have been completed, you will be asked to print-out, sign, and upload the signature page​​. The signature page applies to all forms with the exception of CRI 400 which has a signature check off certification in the portal.

The Charitable Registration & Investigation Section administers and enforces the provisions of the Charitable Registration & Investigation Act(CRI Act). The CRI Act regulates the fund raising activities of most charitable organizations and all professional fund raisers, fund-raising counsels, commercial co-ventures and solicitors conducting business within this State by requiring them to register and file annual financial reports with the Charitable Registration Section. To ensure that an organization and/or a professional fund raiser soliciting you is currently registered, please search our Directory of Registered Charities ​or call our Charitable Registration Hotline at (973) 504-6215. Section phone hours are Monday thru Friday, 9:00am - 4:30pm.

If your charity is holding a fund raising bingo or raffle event (which includes a "casino night") please review the Bingo and Raffles process instructions in the registrants' section below. All other, information including application forms, are available at the: Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission.


Last Modified: 12/1/2022 9:12 AM