On March 1, 2017, the Attorney General and the Board of Medical Examiners adopted emergency amendments to the rules in N.J.A.C. 13:35-2A.14, 2B.12, and 7.6, concerning limitations on prescribing, administering, or dispensing of controlled dangerous substances, with specific limitations for opioid drugs, and establishing special requirements for the management of acute and chronic pain. These limitations and requirements apply to physicians, podiatrists, physician assistants, and certified nurse midwives.
NOTE: These emergency rules are effective immediately and will remain in effect for 60 days, and are being concurrently proposed for readoption to permit members of the regulated community and the public to submit comments concerning the rules and the intention of the Attorney General and Board to make these rules permanent. Comments may be submitted following publication of the proposal in the New Jersey Register. The official version of the Emergency Adoption and Concurrent Proposal will be published in the New Jersey Register on March 20, 2017 |