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Downtown Newark, NJ

Hearing Aid Dispensers Examining Committee

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Must I be a citizen of the United States to be eligible for licensure?

    No. New Jersey State law allows for all individuals, regardless of citizenship status, to obtain a professional or occupational license in New Jersey if all requirements for licensure are met. Individuals with undocumented status are eligible for licensure and a social security number is not required for licensure.

  2. What are the requirements to sit for the licensing examination?

    One (1) for your individual license and, if you are the owner, one (1) for your premises.

  3. Do I need to notify the Committee if I change my sponsor?

    Every two (2) years upon expiration of your license. All electrology licenses have the same expiration date.

  4. When are the licensing examinations given?

    The licensing examinations are given twice a year, in March and September.

  5. What happens if I fail part of the examination?

    You are allowed to retake the part of the examination you failed only one time. If you fail again you must take the whole licensing examination over again.

  6. How many continuing education hours do I need every biennial renewal?

    You must obtain 20 continuing education hours within the previous two years.

  7. Does the Committee offer licensees the opportunity to obtain inactive license status?

    Yes. You can request inactive status when you renew your license by checking the appropriate box. In order to make your license active again, you must contact the Committee to request an application.

  8. Can I reinstate my license if it has been expired for more then five years?

    Yes. Pursuant to New Jersey's regulations, a person seeking reinstatement more than five years following the suspension of his/her license is required to complete the licensing examination required for initial licensure, pay delinquent renewal fees, as well as a reinstatement fee, and document all jobs held after the license was suspended.

Last Modified: 4/13/2023 11:15 AM