Under New Jersey’s Used Car Lemon Law, used car dealers are required to provide warranties on every used car that is sold for more than $3,000, that is seven years old or less, has not been declared a total loss by an insurance company, and has an odometer reading of 100,000 miles or less. The law requires a dealer to correct a material defect of a covered item of the used vehicle if the defect occurred during the applicable warranty period. The material defect must substantially impair the use, value or safety of the used vehicle.
Subject to certain exclusions, a consumer may be entitled to a refund of the used motor vehicle’s full purchase price if, during the dealer warranty period: the dealer has been unsuccessful at fixing the same material defect after at least three attempts; or, the vehicle has been out of service for 20 cumulative days while the dealer is attempting to fix it.
Dealer Forms
Statutes and Regulations
Some of the primary laws and regulations enforced by the Division are listed below and can be found at the following citations.
Click here to view New Jersey Statutes in their entirety, as published on the Legislature's website.
- Used Car Lemon Law Statutes – Title 56:8-67 et seq.
Click here to view the New Jersey Administrative Code in its entirety, via the New Jersey Office of Administrative Law, as published on the LexisNexis website.
- Unfair Trade Practices--Used Motor Vehicles--Sale and Warranty – Title 13:45A-26F
New Jersey Lemon Law Guidebook
General Information