An Initiative to Protect Your Loved Ones Receiving Care

Safe Care Cam is a special program designed for those New Jersey residents who suspect their loved ones are being abused, mistreated, or neglected by a health care provider. The program allows access to micro-surveillance cameras that can be easily hidden to detect abuse and protect patients. The Safe Care Cam program makes these cameras available for free for 30-days loans. To participate on the program, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Call the N.J. Division of Consumer Affairs at 973-792-4263. Follow voice prompts to a Safe Care Cam program voicemail box and leave a message with your name and contact information.

  2. A staff member will return all calls with further information about the program and to schedule an appointment to pick-up a camera.

    At the scheduled appointment, the program participant will be required to:

    • Provide a copy of a driver's license or other official identification.

    • Provide proof of legal guardianship over your loved one.

    • Provide contact information, including phone number, cell phone number, and addresses.

    • Sign a program agreement, which sets forth rules and obligations under the Safe Care Cam program. Also at this time, a staff member will provide the program participant with a camera and a memory card. A brief training will be provided on how the camera works and how the footage can be recorded, viewed, and saved. Upon request, the camera and memory card loan can be extended for more than 30 days.

Download Safe Care Cam Flyer
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Last Modified: 3/20/2025 7:01 AM