If you currently do business with a certified public accountant or brokerage firm, ask if they will trace the company name and quote the market price for you on a complimentary basis. Otherwise, call or write to the office of the Secretary of State in the state of incorporation to ask whether the company is still in business, or is doing business under a different name (expect to pay a fee). For companies incorporated in New Jersey, write to the
Department of State
Division of Commercial Recording
820 Bear Tavern Road
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0308.
Other resources may be found on the Internet, at public libraries, or stock exchanges. There are also services that may charge a fee. You may want to check if your library has:
Financial Stock Guide Service: Published by Financial Information, Inc. since 1927, this comprehensive guide is a good starting point for all research on old stock certificates. This listing, updated annually, contains a directory of actively traded stocks and obsolete securities. The Bureau subscribes to this service and you can contact the Bureau at 1-866-I-INVEST (i-866-446-8378) to consult this service.
For more information about old stock certificates you can contact
Scripophily.com. For a fee, this company through its website:
OldCompany.com or by phone at (703) 787-3552 can provide information in tracing the value of very old stock certificates.
A search of unclaimed property in the state of the last address the company in which you are researching had on file is also a good place to look. New Jersey's
Unclaimed Property Administration can be contacted at:
Unclaimed Property Administration
P.O. Box 214
Trenton, NJ 08695-0214
Phone: (609) 292-9200
Fax (609) 984-0593