The Division of Consumer Affairs expresses New Jersey's gratitude and commitment to service members and their families through programs and educational materials specifically designed to support and protect them. From providing information on scams targeting active and retired military members and their families, to streamlining the process for obtaining professional and occupational licenses for those relocating or returning to New Jersey, the Division is working hard to provide resources for the dedicated members and families of the U.S armed forces.
A Hero's Welcome to NJ Aimed at providing smooth transitions for military families and veterans relocating to New Jersey, this program helps military spouses who hold professional licenses in other States become licensed in New Jersey, so they can quickly find work in their chosen professions. The program also assists veterans obtain licensure for post-military careers in New Jersey.
The Financial Field Manual: A Personal Finance Guide for Military Families This guide is made available to assist military families with the financial challenges they face. Because military families often have to plan moves on short notice and often have to face the deployment of family members to combat zones, military families face unique challenges. This guide was developed jointly by Kiplinger's magazine, the Investor Protection Trust and the Investor Protection Institute. The New Jersey Bureau of Securities can provide access to this guide in a pdf version or in hard copy upon request from the Bureau.
A Salute to Smart Investing Learn the basics to keep your finances in line. When you’re in the military, life can change quickly. You could be deployed or relocated to a new duty base. You could be promoted, with an increase in pay grade. You could marry, have children, or get divorced. The better shape your finances are in, the easier it will be to move smoothly from one stage of your life to the next. So, if you’re not already in the driver’s seat on the road to a secure financial future, it’s time to shift gears.
Defending Our Heroes
This anti-fraud educational initiative is aimed at protecting veterans and active-duty services members from a host of scams targeting them and their families. The program combines online information, public outreach, and educational materials to promote awareness of financial fraud schemes and provide tips on how to avoid falling victim to them.