The Division of Consumer Affairs (Division) is warning all licensed professionals about individuals impersonating New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs (DCA) investigators, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents, DEA investigators, New Jersey Drug Control Unit investigators, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigators, and other law enforcement personnel, as part of an extortion scheme.

The impersonators are contacting licensees by telephone or letter, stating that they are the subject of an investigation. The callers are demanding money to clear up the matter, or threatening to revoke the individual’s license. Please be advised that the Division of Consumer Affairs will not contact licensees by telephone to discuss investigations or demand money.

Anyone receiving a telephone call from a person purporting to be any of the above mentioned individuals seeking money, should refuse the demand. We encourage you to report the call to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at You may also report the call to the Division at

Downtown Newark, NJ

Criminal History Review Unit

Inquiries about the Unit may be forwarded to

Criminal History Review Unit
P.O. Box 186
Trenton, New Jersey 08625

The Criminal History Review Unit (CHRU) was established in 1997 and is responsible for coordinating the state and federal criminal history record background checks of individuals who are applying for licensure or certification, or for those who have already obtained a license or certificate from one of the boards or committees of the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs (Division). The CHRU derives its authority from the enabling statutes of the boards and committees it serves.

Individuals residing in New Jersey are required to be fingerprinted by the live-scan fingerprinting vendor under contract with New Jersey. Once the individual has been fingerprinted, the information is electronically forwarded to the New Jersey State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation for both agencies to investigate whether the individual has any record of criminal activity. The results are returned electronically to the Criminal History Review Unit. The information received is compiled and forwarded to the board or committee of the applicant or licensee.

Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) is governed by federal and state regulations. Both the federal regulation, 28 C.F.R. § 20, and New Jersey's regulation, N.J.A.C. 13:59-1.1 et seq., strictly limit the use of this information and provide substantial institutional barriers to protect both the security of Criminal History Record Information and the confidentiality of the applicant and licensee.

Each of the following boards and committees within the Division is subject to Criminal History Record Background Checks:

Last Modified: 11/30/2023 11:22 AM