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Consistent with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 10:4-9.1, electronic notice is herein provided that a public session meeting of the Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee will not be held at 124 Halsey Street, Newark, New Jersey, but instead is scheduled to proceed virtually on Friday, March 21, 2025, as permitted by N.J.S.A. 10:4-9.3. The meeting is scheduled to be called to Order at 9:30 a.m. Formal action may be taken at the meeting.

In accordance with Chapter 231 of P.L. 1975, more commonly referred to as the Sunshine Law, adequate notice of this meeting was also provided by mailing and email to the Office of the Secretary of State, The Newark Star Ledger, The Trenton Times, The Bergen Record and The Courier Post.

For the public to participate in the meeting, from your computer, tablet or smartphone:


Meeting ID: 161 430 9213
Passcode: 435575

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Public comments will only be accepted in writing. Any public comments should be submitted by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 20, 2025 by emailing Milagros B. Collazo, Executive Director at publiccomments@dca.njoag.gov. The email should contain the name of the submitter. The Committee will make its best efforts to read any comments into the record during the meeting that were received in a timely manner and in advance of the referenced deadline.

The agenda provided contains the discussion items to the extent known at the time of this notice. The meeting agenda reflects current Board matters. Click here to access meeting agenda.

Both the temporary emergency graduate licensure (“TEGL”) programs (created by DCA-AO-2020-05/DCA-W-2020-09) and the temporary certification for alcohol and drug counselor (“ADC”) interns (created by DCA-AO-2020-13/DCA-W-2020-12) will remain in place until further notice. See COVID-19 Emergency Graduate Licensure (njconsumeraffairs.gov) for additional information about the TEGL programs. There is no expiration date for either program at this time. However, the Division’s “License Verification System” requires an expiration date for all licenses. For that reason, the Division assigns an expiration date for TEGL licenses and temporary ADC certifications for purposes of the License Verification System and extends the expiration date at the appropriate time. The extension is generally granted for several months to ensure sufficient time for notice to be provided to all participants in the event the administrative order that created the program is rescinded. At this time, however, both programs—and the temporary licenses issued pursuant to them—will remain in effect until further notice.
Downtown Newark, NJ

Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee

Frequently Asked Questions


  1. In completing the regular application, why do I have to resubmit all of the supervision information (pages 10-14) if I previously provided it to the Addiction Professionals Certification Board of New Jersey (A.P.C.B.N.J.) for certification?

    For those who are A.P.C.B.N.J. certified, verification is satisfied with the A.P.C.B.N.J. certification information provided. Refer to the note on both Schedules A and B.

  2. What must I do in order to take the written and oral examinations (required for both certification and licensure)?

    Complete and submit the regular application. Note that on the first page of the application, you are applying to sit for the written examination.

  3. Where can I find the "grandfather" application?

    Effective March 15, 2006, the period for certification or licensure under the "grandfather" provision has expired. Therefore, anyone seeking certification or licensure is required to submit a completed "regular application." The "grandfather" application can be found on the Committee's Application and Form page.

  4. What are the procedures for applying for reciprocity from another state?

    If you are certified or licensed outside of New Jersey, you will need to contact the International Certification & Reciprocity Consortium/Alcohol and Other Drugs (I.C.& R.C.) at (717) 540-4457 or via e-mail at www.icrcaoda.org .You will need to provide to the I.C.& R.C. your full name and the jurisdiction in which your original certificate or license was issued. The I.C.& R.C. will verify that information and then submit that verification to the New Jersey member board of the A.P.C.B.N.J. which will then submit your name along with the jurisdiction of original licensure or certification to the Division of Consumer Affairs to confirm that you hold a credential equivalent to the Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (C.A.D.C.) certification in New Jersey. Please keep in mind that you will need to contact the Division of Consumer Affairs during this interim period to request an application. Once you receive the application for certification, you must complete the entire application and the Certification and Authorization form sent with the application.

  5. Must I be a citizen of the United States to be eligible for licensure?

    No. New Jersey State law allows for all individuals, regardless of citizenship status, to obtain a professional or occupational license in New Jersey if all requirements for licensure are met. Individuals with undocumented status are eligible for licensure and a social security number is not required for licensure.


  1. I am certified/licensed as an alcohol and drug counselor by the State of New Jersey and would like to transfer the New Jersey credential to another state. What is the process?

    The Addiction Professionals Certification Board (APCBNJ) serves as the agent to process reciprocity between New Jersey and other licensing/certification boards who have a reciprocal credential with the International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC). Please refer to the APCBNJ website at: www.certbd.com and access the process under the heading: New Jersey and IC&RC Reciprocity.

  2. I am currently certified outside of New Jersey. What must I do to obtain certification/licensure in New Jersey?

    The Addiction Professionals Certification Board (APCBNJ) serves as the agent to process reciprocity between New Jersey and other licensing/certification boards who have a reciprocal credential with the International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC). Please refer to the APCBNJ website at: www.certbd.com and access the process under the heading: New Jersey and IC&RC Reciprocity.


  1. Can a criminal history report completed for my job be submitted for this application?

    No. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 45:1-28 et seq., all applicants for certification or licensure as a health care provider must complete the criminal history record background check through Sagem-Morpho. First, complete the Certificate of Authorization form in the application packet. Instructions for completing the process will then be forwarded to applicants.

  2. I was arrested/convicted years ago. Does that mean that I cannot be certified or licensed?

    The fact that a record exists will not in and of itself preclude an applicant from certification or licensure. All criminal history reports are reviewed individually. It is important that you respond to all of the questions on the application accurately, incorporating any arrests or convictions for (or pleadings to) criminal activity into your response to the criminal history-related questions. All relevant documentation (official documents or personal explanations) submitted by the applicant will assist in the review and expedite the application processing. If you do not recall the precise details or are unclear about the circumstances surrounding an arrest or conviction, please respond to the criminal history question (question no. 10) accordingly and provide any supporting documentation (disposition, explanation, etc.). If the matter was dismissed or expunged, you can expect the arrest to be included in the criminal history report; therefore, you should disclose the information with an explanation of the event, the circumstances surrounding it and the details of your involvement.

  3. If I am licensed by another professional board or committee of the Division of Consumer Affairs and have recently completed the Sagem-Morpho fingerprinting, do I have to submit the form and repeat the fingerprinting process?

    You do not have to repeat the fingerprinting process if you have recently done so for another of the Division's boards or committees. However, you are still required to fill out the Certification and Authorization form and submit it with a check or money order for $33.00. This fee is required so that your Criminal History Record Background Check can be updated, considering the time that has elapsed since your Criminal History Record Background Check was initially conducted.


  1. How do I renew my certification or license?

    All certifications and licenses issued by the Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee will expire on July 31, 2006. C.A.D.C.s and L.C.A.D.C.s whose license status is "active" will receive a letter during May 2006 that explains how and when they may renew online. Anyone who chooses not to renew online will be mailed a renewal application during June 2006 and may complete the paper renewal. Renewal notices and applications are mailed directly to the mailing address you indicated on your initial application.

  2. How often must I renew my certificate or license?

    The renewal cycle is biennial. All certificates and licenses expire every two years on July 31 of the even-numbered year, regardless of the date of initial certification or licensure.

  3. How much does it cost to renew a certificate or license?

    Fees are established by regulation. Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 13:34C-1.10, the fee for renewal of a certificate is $ 180.00 per biennial period, and the fee for renewal of a license is $250.00 per biennial period.

  4. Can I place my certification or license on "inactive" status?
    Yes, you may place your certificate or license on inactive status by checking "yes" for the appropriate question on the biennial renewal application, or you may send a written request to do so to the Committee. However, be advised that placing your license on inactive status means that you may not practice as an alcohol and drug counselor in New Jersey.
  5. How can I reactivate my certificate or license?

    In order to reactivate a certificate or license, a reinstatement application must be requested directly from the Committee. Upon receipt of a letter requesting the application, the form and the relevant instructions will be mailed out. The applicant is required to present satisfactory proof that he or she has maintained proficiency by completing the continuing education credit hours required for the renewal of an active certificate or license.


  1. Where do I send my continuing education certificates?

    Do not send documentation to the Committee unless you receive an official "continuing education audit" letter. Continuing education must be completed by every person holding a certificate or license to practice alcohol and drug counseling in the State of New Jersey. Continuing education verifications are preformed on a random basis. If your name is selected at random, you will then be provided with specific instructions and you will have 10 business days to submit all of the pertinent documents to the Committee.

    N.J.A.C. 13:34C-5.5(d) requires certificate holders and licensees to retain continuing education documentation for six years.

  2. Where do I get information on the legal standards continuing education course?

    The requirement is set forth at N.J.A.C. 13:34C-5.2(d) and refers to the legal standards related to the practice of alcohol and drug counseling in New Jersey. This special course, which has been designed to promote a more comprehensive understanding of these legal standards among certificate holders and licensees, is provided under the auspices of the A.P.C.B.N.J. You may contact the A.P.C.B.N.J. at (732) 249-1991 or via the Web at www.certbd.com for a list of certified instructors and class schedules. The deadline for completion of this course is July 31, 2008, for everyone who was certified or licensed between August 1, 2004 and July 31, 2006.


  1. What should I do if I'm aware of a situation that may involve a violation of laws or regulations?

    The New Jersey Professional Responsibility and Reporting Enhancement Act, Public Law 2005, Chapter 83 (N.J.S.A. 45:1-33 et seq.), went into effect on October 31, 2005.The Act requires every health care entity to promptly report to the Division of Consumer Affairs, in writing, when it takes any negative action against a health care professional who is 1) employed by that health care entity, 2) under contract with that health care entity to render professional services, 3) has privileges granted by that health care entity, or 4) provides such services pursuant to an agreement with any health care services firm or staffing registry. The law also requires that health care professionals promptly notify the Division if they are in possession of information which reasonably indicates that another health care professional has demonstrated any impairment, gross incompetence or unprofessional conduct which would present an imminent danger to a patient or the public. The law includes a list of all of the affected boards and committees.The array of mental-health-related licensees and certificate holders affected by this law includes the licensees and certificate holders of the State Board of Marriage and Family Therapy Examiners, Professional Counselor Examiners Committee and the Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee, the State Board of Social Work Examiners and the State Board of Psychological Examiners. This requirement is in addition to N.J.A.C. 13:34C-3.4, the regulation concerning a professional's "Duty to Report."


  1. In accessing the online directory for alcohol and drug counselors, there is a "Yes" indicated in the "disciplinary field." What does that mean?

    The "Yes" indicator is placed on a licensee or certificate holder's record when a public order has been issued. The purpose of this information is to provide a public record so that consumers are able to make informed choices. The order is a public document and copies may be obtained by writing to the Committee.

Last Modified: 4/13/2023 10:42 AM