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The March 7, 2025 disciplinary meeting of the Board of Nursing will be held in person at 124 Halsey Street, Newark, New Jersey. Remote participation will also be facilitated. Pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-9.1, notice is being provided electronically within 72 hours of the scheduled meeting. The meeting will begin at 9:30 am. And will be conducted in person and remotely. The public may obtain information about how to access the meeting by accessing the Board's website at: Pages - Disciplinary Meetings (njconsumeraffairs.gov) Meetings

Any public comments should be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday March 6, 2025, by emailing NursingUpdates@dca.lps.state.nj.us. The email should contain the name of the submitter. The Board will make its best efforts to read any comments received during the meeting.

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Meeting ID: 160 740 1576
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Meeting ID: 160 740 1576
Passcode: 808221

Any public comments should be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday March 6, 2025, by emailing NursingUpdates@dca.lps.state.nj.us. The email should contain the name of the submitter. The Board will make its best efforts to read any comments received during the meeting.


The March 7, 2025 Regular Board meeting of the Board of Nursing will be held in person at 124 Halsey Street, Newark, New Jersey. Remote participation will also be facilitated. Pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-9.1, notice is being provided electronically within 72 hours of the scheduled meeting. The meeting will begin at 1:00 pm. And will be conducted in person and remotely. The public may obtain information about how to access the meeting by accessing the Board's website at: Pages - Regular Meetings (njconsumeraffairs.gov) Meetings

Any public comments should be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday March 6, 2025, by emailing NursingUpdates@dca.lps.state.nj.us. The email should contain the name of the submitter. The Board will make its best efforts to read any comments received during the meeting.

Join ZoomGov Meeting

Meeting ID: 160 096 5496
Passcode: 816388

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• +1 646 964 1167 US (US Spanish Line)
• +1 669 216 1590 US (San Jose)
• +1 415 449 4000 US (US Spanish Line)
• +1 551 285 1373 US (New Jersey)
• 833 435 1820 US Toll-free
• 833 568 8864 US Toll-free

Meeting ID: 160 096 5496
Passcode: 816388

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Meeting ID: 160 096 5496
Passcode: 816388

Any public comments should be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday March 6, 2025, by emailing NursingUpdates@dca.lps.state.nj.us. The email should contain the name of the submitter. The Board will make its best efforts to read any comments received during the meeting.

Reminder regarding prescriptions from APNs
During New Jersey’s declared state of emergency resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, pharmacists may fill prescriptions written by Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs), to include prescriptions that do not include the name of a collaborating physician. Pursuant to Governor Murphy’s Executive Order 112 and pursuant to the Division of Consumer Affairs’ Administrative Order 2020-02, statutory and regulatory requirements that would otherwise mandate that an APN maintain a joint protocol with a collaborating physician, and that the collaborating physician’s name, address and telephone number be included on prescriptions written by the APN, have been waived. Although the public health emergency originally declared in Executive Order 112 has ended, the state of emergency remains in effect. Additionally, pursuant to Executive Order 292, the cited provisions of both EO 112 and AO 2020-02 remain in full force and effect at this time.

New Jersey Board of Nursing

Frequently Asked Questions - Continuing Education (CE)

NOTE: One (1) contact hour equals  sixty (60) minutes of instruction.

General Questions

  1. Must I be a citizen of the United States to be eligible for licensure?

    No. New Jersey State law allows for all individuals, regardless of citizenship status, to obtain a professional or occupational license in New Jersey if all requirements for licensure are met. Individuals with undocumented status are eligible for LPN single-state, RN single-state, and APN licensure and a social security number is not required for LPN single-state, RN single-state, and APN licensure.

    Please be advised Nurse Licensure Compact law requires applicants have a valid social security number to be eligible for an LPN or RN multi-state license. Individuals without a social security number will be considered for a single-state license.

  2. How many continuing education contact hours must I complete in order to renew my nursing license?

    Each licensee must complete a minimum of 30 contact hours of continuing education contact hours during the two-year period preceding renewal. For example, in order to renew a license in May 2019, a licensee must have completed 30 contact hours of continuing education contact hours between June 1, 2017 and May 31, 2019.

  3. I'm retired. Am I required to complete continuing education?

    Yes. You must complete a minimum of 30 contact hours of continuing education contact hours during the two-year period preceding renewal. For example, in order to renew a license in May 2019, a licensee must have completed 30 contact hours of continuing education contact hours between June 1, 2017 and May 31, 2019. If you will not be returning to nursing practice, but want to maintain an active nursing license, you may place your license in inactive status. While your license is inactive, you will not have to complete continuing education contact hours. However, you will have to go through the reactivation process to return to active license status.

  4. I do not practice nursing in New Jersey. Am I required to complete continuing education?

    Yes. You must complete all of the required continuing education contact hours if you want to maintain an active nursing license in New Jersey. If you will not be returning to nursing practice, but want to maintain an active nursing license, you may place your license in inactive status. While your license is inactive, you will not have to complete continuing education contact hours. However, you will have to go through the reactivation process to return to active license status.

  5. What types of continuing education courses are approved by the Board?

    Continuing education courses related to nursing must be approved by a credentialing agency accredited by the American Nurses Crediting Servises (ANCC). For the types of courses the Board will accept, please see N.J.A.C. 13:37-5.3(d)1-15, which is available on the Board's website under the link Laws and Regulations.

  6. Must I attend an in-person continuing education class or may I complete my contact hours through an online class?

    Continuing education contact hours may be obtained through successful completion of online courses. Please remember to download and retain your certificates of completion.

  7. I complete continuing education courses through my employer. Do those courses satisfy the Board's continuing education requirement?

    The Board will accept courses completed through your employer provided that the courses carry a credit-hour designation, i.e., one contact hour for each 60 minutes of instruction, and the employer provides you with a certificate of successful completion. The employer must be approved by the ANCC.

  8. How long do I have to keep my continuing education certificates?

    The Board recommends that you retain continuing education certificates for at least five years.

  9. Will the Board ever ask for copies of my continuing education certificates?

    The Board may request copies of your continuing education certificates for various reasons, such as a random continuing education audit or during a disciplinary investigation.

  10. What are the consequences of failing to satisfy my continuing education requirement?

    The Board may impose sanctions by public order pursuant to N.J.S.A. 45:1-21 and 45:1-22.

  11. May I carry over any continuing education contact hours if I complete more contact hours than required during the renewal period?

    A licensee may carry over up to 15 additional continuing education contact hours into the next renewal period.

  12. Opioid continuing education requirement

    As a condition of biennial license renewal, all registered professional nurses and all licensed practical nurses must complete one (1) contact hour of continuing education concerning prescription opioid drugs, including alternatives to opioids for managing and treating pain, and the risks and signs of opioid abuse, addiction, and diversion.

  13. What can I do if I'm having trouble obtaining a CES report from CGFNS?

    The Board of Nursing has become aware that some individuals are having difficulty obtaining a CES report from CGFNS.

    Please be advised that the individuals who are applying for New Jersey licensure via Endorsement may either have your current state of plenary licensure send your CES report directly to the New Jersey Board of Nursing (if permitted by that state) at NJLOC@dca.njoag.gov or you may directly upload your copy of the CES report you received from CGFNS to your online portal.

    Individuals who are applying to New Jersey as a new licensee via the Exam option must have the CES report sent directly from CGFNS to the Board.

New Jersey Licensee and Applicant Questions

  1. I currently have an active New Jersey RN or LPN license. Do I automatically have a multi-state license?

    No. You must apply through the Board for a multi-state license. Applications are available on the website under "Applications and Forms". You must meet all requirements to obtain a multi-state license.

  2. I currently have an active New Jersey RN or LPN license. Do I need to apply for the multi-state license to continue to work as a nurse in New Jersey?

    No. You may continue to work as a nurse In New Jersey if you hold an active New Jersey RN or LPN license.

  3. I'm applying for a first time RN or LPN license in New Jersey. Which application should I complete?

    Apply by "Candidate" if you are seeking a NJ license as an RN or LPN, and you've never been licensed before or you're licensed in another state. A multi-state Compact license will be issued if you meet the requirements. A single state NJ license may be issued if you do not meet the requirements for a Compact license.

  4. Is the APN license eligible for a multi-state license?

    No. The NLC pertains to RN and LPN licenses only.

  5. I have a multi-state RN license issued by a remote state. May I apply for a NJ APN license using my multi-state RN license?

    Yes. RNs who hold a multi-state RN license from their home state may apply for NJ APN certification using the multi-state RN license.

  6. What are the requirements to apply for a multi-state license?
    1. Meets the requirements for licensure in the home state (state of residency);
    2. Has graduated from a board-approved education program; or has graduated from an international education program (approved by the authorized accrediting body in the applicable country and verified by an independent credentials review agency);
    3. Has passed an English proficiency examination (applies to graduates of an international education program not taught in English or if English is not the individual's native language);
    4. Has passed an NCLEX-RN® or NCLEX-PN® Examination or predecessor exam;
    5. Is eligible for or holds an active, unencumbered license (i.e., without active discipline);
    6. Has submitted to state and federal fingerprint-based criminal background checks;
    7. Has not been convicted or found guilty, or has entered into an agreed disposition, of a felony offense under applicable state or federal criminal law;
    8. Has no misdemeanor convictions related to the practice of nursing (determined on a case-by-case basis);
    9. Is not currently a participant in an alternative program;
    10. Is required to self-disclose current participation in an alternative program; and
    11. Has a valid United States Social Security number (not a TIN).

  7. What does primary state of residence mean?

    The state in which a nurse declares a primary residence for legal purposes. Proof of primary state of residence can be submitted through documents. The New Jersey requires a New Jersey State ID or a New Jersey State Driver’s License as proof of residency. Only one state can be identified as the primary state of legal residence for multi-state license compact purposes.

  8. My primary state of residence is outside of New Jersey or I am unable to provide proof New Jersey is my primary state of residence.

    You are not eligible for a New Jersey multi-state license, but you may apply for a single state RN or LPN license.

  9. My license is currently disciplined and/or restricted. Am I eligible for the multi-state license?

    No. You must hold an active, unencumbered license to be eligible for the multi-state license.

  10. I'm currently in an alternative to discipline program, such as RAMP or PAP. Am I eligible for the multi-state license?


  11. I have been convicted of, found guilty, or entered into an agreement of disposition of felony offense under state or federal law. Am I eligible for the multi-state license?


  12. I have been convicted of, found guilty, or entered into an agreement of disposition of misdemeanor offense related to the practice of nursing. Am I eligible for the multi-state license?

    Previous misdemeanor convictions are reviewed and considered on a case by case basis.

  13. Why would a nurse need a multi-state license?

    Nurses are required to be licensed in the state where the recipient of nursing practice is located at the time service is provided. A multi-state license allows the nurse to practice in the home state and all compact states with one license issued by the home state. This eliminates the burdensome, costly, and time consuming process of obtaining single state licenses in each state of practice.

  14. How many multi-state licenses may a nurse hold?

    A nurse may hold only one multi-state compact license.


  1. Is a nurse who holds a multi-state license in another state eligible to work in New Jersey?

    New Jersey is a member of the Nurse Licensure Compact. Nurses who hold active, unencumbered, multi-state licenses issued by Nurse Licensure Compact member states have a privilege to practice in New Jersey under their multi-state license.

  2. What states participate in the Nurse Licensure Compact?

    For an updated list of participating jurisdictions, please visit- www.ncsbn.org/nurse-licensure-compact.htm

  3. How do I verify the status of a multi-state license issued by another state?

    Nursys (www.nursys.com) is a free database providing licensure and disciplinary information on all RNs and LPNs as contributed by compact states.  Employers and the public can access Nursys to look up a nurse's license and disciplinary status.  The report will contain the nurse's name, jurisdiction, license type, license number, compact status, license status, expiration date, discipline against license and discipline against privilege to practice.

    Additionally, employers may register their nursing workforce in e-Notify at nursys.com at no cost. Employers will receive e-notifications of disciplinary action taken on any license the nurse holds in the U.S.

  4. How do we verify the status of a multi-state license issued by New Jersey?

    The multi-state license, as with single state New Jersey issued licenses, can be verified at https://newjersey.mylicense.com/verification/.

  5. How do we report an issue (discipline, termination, etc.) with an employee nurse who has privilege to practice New Jersey though the multi-state license issued by a remote state?

    Please follow the same complaint procedure as required for reporting issues with New Jersey nurses and report all issues and complaints to the New Jersey Board of Nursing: https://njconsumeraffairs.state.nj.us/board-complaints/.


An interstate agreement between two or more states established for the purpose of remedying a particular problem of multi-state concern, in this case, the Nurse Licensure Compact ("NLC").  

Compact or Party State
Any state that has adopted the NLC.

Home State
The compact state that serves as the nurse's primary state of residence.

Remote State
A compact state other than the home state where the patient is located at the time nursing care is provided or, in the case of the practice of nursing not involving a patient, a compact state where the recipient of nursing practice is located.

Primary State of Residence ("PSOR")
The state (also known as the home state) in which a nurse declares a primary residence for legal purposes. It is the state in which the nurse holds a driver's license, pays taxes, and votes.

Multi-state License
A license to practice as an RN or LPN/VN which is issued by the home state licensing board and which authorizes the nurse to practice in all party states.

Single-state License
A nurse license issued by a party state that allows practice only within the issuing state. This license does not grant a privilege to practice in any other Compact state.

This database (www.nursys.com) provides license and disciplinary information of all RNs and LPN/VNs, as contributed by compact states. The public, including nurse employers, can access Nursys for free to look up a nurse's license and discipline status.

Privilege to Practice ("PTP")
Current, official authority from a remote state permitting the practice of nursing as either an RN or an LPN/VN in that party state. All party states have the authority, in accordance with existing state due process law, to take actions against the nurse's privilege, such as: revocation, suspension, probation or any other action which affects a nurse's authorization to practice.

Last Modified: 4/11/2024 10:30 AM