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The Division of Consumer Affairs (Division) is warning all licensed professionals about individuals impersonating New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs (DCA) investigators, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents, DEA investigators, New Jersey Drug Control Unit investigators, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigators, and other law enforcement personnel, as part of an extortion scheme.

The impersonators are contacting licensees by telephone or letter, stating that they are the subject of an investigation. The callers are demanding money to clear up the matter, or threatening to revoke the individual’s license. Please be advised that the Division of Consumer Affairs will not contact licensees by telephone to discuss investigations or demand money.

Anyone receiving a telephone call from a person purporting to be any of the above mentioned individuals seeking money, should refuse the demand. We encourage you to report the call to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at ReportFraud.ftc.gov. You may also report the call to the Division at AskConsumerAffairs@lps.state.nj.us.

Downtown Newark,NJ

Physician Assistant Advisory Committee

Frequently Asked Questions

State of Emergency Waiver

During the state of emergency for the COVID-19 pandemic in New Jersey, for physician assistants acting within the scope of their education, training, experience, and competence, Executive Order No. 112 (2020) waived the following:

  • obtaining physician supervision;
  • entering into a signed delegation agreement limiting the scope of their practice to procedures enumerated in the agreement and customary to the supervising physician's medical specialty, delegated or explicitly authorized;
  • obtaining authorization to order or prescribe a controlled dangerous substance; and
  • limiting the assistance provided in the operating room.

See DCA Administrative Order No. 2020-02; Executive Order No. 112 (2020); Executive Order No. 292 (2022).  This waiver will remain in effect until the state of emergency in New Jersey ends or until further action by the Division of Consumer Affairs.

Termination of Pregnancy

  1. Are there new rules that let Physician Assistants (PAs) provide some abortion care in New Jersey? What changed?

    Effective December 6, 2021, the Board of Medical Examiners (BME) repealed regulations at N.J.A.C. 13:35-4.2 that had provided that only physicians could perform abortion procedures. The BME regulations now expressly permit physicians to authorize PAs to perform early aspiration abortions in the physician's office, consistent with their respective scopes of practice and as addressed within their delegation agreement.

    PAs' prescriptive authority did not change; it continues to include prescribing medications for medication abortion (which are not controlled substances) to the extent delegated by a supervising physician. N.J.S.A. 45:9-27.16(b)(4) and -27.19.

  2. What types of abortion care can PAs provide in New Jersey?

    PAs are authorized to perform early aspiration abortion in a physician's office and to provide medication abortion under New Jersey law.

    Early Aspiration Abortion. Early aspiration abortion is defined as a procedure that terminates a pregnancy in the first trimester utilizing manual or electric suction to empty the uterus. The first trimester is defined as up to 14 completed weeks as calculated by an estimate of gestational age that utilizes the last menstrual period, ultrasound and/or physical examination, as appropriate to the standard of care. N.J.A.C. 13:35-4A.3. Early aspiration abortion is within the BME's definition of "minor procedure." N.J.A.C. 13:35-4A.3.

    Medication Abortion. Like any other non-controlled prescription medication, a PA may order, prescribe, dispense, and administer medication for use in medication abortion, to the extent delegated by a supervising physician. N.J.S.A. 45:9-27.19.

  3. What does a PA need to do to be able to provide early aspiration or medication abortion in New Jersey?

    Like any other minor procedure that a PA may perform, an early aspiration abortion must be within the PA's education, training, and experience under the supervision of a physician.  N.J.S.A. 45:9-27.15.  

    A PA may perform early aspiration abortion in a physician's office when early aspiration abortion is delegated by a supervising physician with whom the PA has signed a delegation agreement.  The procedures delegated to a PA shall be limited to those customary to the supervising physician's specialty and within the supervising physician's and the PA's competence and training.  N.J.S.A. 45:9-27.16(d).

    As noted above, PAs' prescriptive authority continues to include prescribing medications for medication abortion (which are not controlled substances) to the extent delegated by a supervising physician.  N.J.S.A. 45:9-27.16(b)(4) and -27.19.  If a PA intends to prescribe medication to terminate a pregnancy, the PA will also need to comply with any applicable federal requirements.  See, for example, the United States Food and Drug Administration's Questions and Answers on Mifeprex.  The PA should also review information from and the requirements of relevant manufacturers.

Fees and Charges

  1. I have decided not to move to New Jersey and I want to withdraw my application. What should I do? Is my application fee refundable?

    No. The application fee is nonrefundable. If you decide during the application process that you would like to withdraw your application, it is necessary for you to put this request in writing, sign and date the request and give a brief explanation as to why you would like to withdraw your application. The licensure fee may be refunded upon presentation of the front and back of the check or canceled money order.


  1. Must I be a citizen of the United States to be eligible for licensure?

    No. New Jersey State law allows for all individuals, regardless of citizenship status, to obtain a professional or occupational license in New Jersey if all requirements for licensure are met. Individuals with undocumented status are eligible for licensure and a social security number is not required for licensure.

  2. I am scheduled to complete my educational program in June of next year. When should I apply for my New Jersey Physician Assistant license?

    Applications for a Physician Assistant license remain active for one year only. Therefore, you should not apply for a Physician Assistant license with the New Jersey Physician Assistant Advisory Committee until you have satisfactorily completed the required educational program.

  3. I received my education outside of the United States. May I apply for a Physician Assistant license if I went to an international school?

    No. New Jersey law requires satisfactory completion of a Physician Assistant education program that has been approved by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA) Inc. or its successor.

  4. I hold a Doctor of Medicine degree. I received my medical education outside of the United States. May I apply for a Physician Assistant license if I went to an international medical school and while I am waiting to be licensed as a medical doctor?

    No. New Jersey law makes no provision to allow licensure for physician to practice as Physician Assistants regardless of their training in or outside of the United States.

  5. I received my medical education in the United States. I am a medical doctor (or doctor of osteopathy) by training. May I work as or apply for a Physician Assistant license while I am waiting to be licensed as a medical doctor?

    There is no provision in the law to allow for a physician, regardless of his or her medical training, to work as a Physician Assistant while waiting to be licensed as a physician. New Jersey law specifically requires Physician Assistants to have completed an educational program for Physician Assistants which has been approved by the ARC-PA program.

  6. What does "primary source verification" mean?

    The Committee verifies all applicant information as "primary source verification." This means that we must receive the information directly from the issuing source. (e.g., School transcripts must come directly from your school. The Committee will not accept a noncertified copy).

  7. May a licensee practice in New Jersey using a Physician Assistant license from another state?

    No. The only exception that allows out-of-state licensed Physician Assistants to practice in New Jersey is when the U.S. military, another federal entity or a reservation for Native Americans employs the individual. Physician Assistants who work for the federal government, as such, may not practice outside the employing federal facility without first obtaining a New Jersey Physician Assistant license.

Continuing Education

  1. Are Physician Assistants in New Jersey required to obtain continuing medical education (C.M.E.) credits every year? How do you know if the credits taken are fulfilling the requirements?

    Physician Assistants are required to complete 50 Category I continuing education credit hours per biennial renewal. The licensee must check to make sure that all Category I C.M.E. course have been approved by at least one of the following: the American Medical association, the American Academy of Physician Assistants, the American Osteopathic Association or the Accreditation Council or Continuing medical Education (N.J.A.C.13:35-2B.8). At the time of renewal, proof of C.M.E. completion is not required upfront. Continuing medical education is checked by random audits and proof of completion must be provided upon demand. Failure to provide proof of C.M.E. completion may lead to possible action taken by the Committee.


  1. Can I perform medical services not listed in the statute?

    Yes, a physician assistant may perform medical services beyond those explicitly authorized by the statute and regulations. When medical services are delegated by your supervising physician, with whom you have signed a delegation agreement, the procedures are limited to those customary to the supervising physician's specialty and within the supervising physician and physician assistant's competence and training.

  2. Can I be supervised by a Podiatrist, Chiropractor or Dentist?

    No, a physician assistant shall only engage in practice under the direct supervision by a plenary licensed physician.

  3. Is there a sample form I could use? What information should be found in my delegation agreement?

    There is not a sample form. Requirements of what should be contained with the delegation agreement can be found in the Physician Assistant Modernization Act.

  4. I've recently moved out of state and will no longer be practicing in the state of New Jersey. Should I notify the Board or can I allow my license to expire?

    A licensee may notify the Committee in writing to request their license be placed in inactive status. A Physician Assistant with an inactive license will not be subject to the payment of past renewal fees. Once your license is placed in inactive status you will not be able to practice as a Physician Assistant. When requesting restoration from an inactive status you will be required to pay the current renewal fee and must meet the criteria for renewal as specified by the Board. There is no fee to be placed in inactive status.

  5. How many Physician Assistants can be supervised by the Supervising Physician?

    The Supervisory ratio shall be no more than four physician assistants to one physician at any one time.

Last Modified: 4/14/2023 10:12 AM