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On January 16, 2024, Governor Phil Murphy signed the New Jersey Data Privacy Law, P.L. 2023, c. 266. The law went into effect on January 15, 2025. Please click on this Frequently Asked Questions link to learn more about the new law and your rights under it.
On January 8, 2024, Governor Murphy signed into law P.L. 2023, c. 237, which, among other things: amended the Contractors’ Business Registration Act (“CBRA,” formerly the “Contractors’ Registration Act”), N.J.S.A. 56:8-136 et seq., and created the “Home Improvement and Home Elevation Contractor Licensing Act,” N.J.S.A. 45:5AAA-1 et seq. For more information on the registration requirements for contractors and businesses under these laws, click here.
On July 10, 2024, Governor Murphy signed into law the Real Estate Consumer Protection Enhancement Act, P.L. 2024, c.32, which, among other things, requires sellers of residential property located in New Jersey to use the "Seller's Property Condition Disclosure Statement" ("Disclosure Statement," questions 1 through 108).

Additionally, on July 3, 2023, Governor Murphy signed into law P.L. 2023, c.93, which, among other things, requires sellers of all real property located in New Jersey to make certain additional disclosures concerning flood risks on the "Disclosure Statement." On July 15, 2024, the Division published a "Flood Risk Addendum" to the Disclosure Statement (questions 109 through 117), which includes the additional disclosures concerning flood risks.

As a result of these two laws, effective August 1, 2024:
  • Sellers of residential property must complete the Disclosure Statement (questions 1 through 108). A copy of the Disclosure Statement is available here; and
  • All sellers of real property, both residential and non-residential, must complete the Flood Risk Addendum to the Disclosure Statement (questions 109 through 117). A copy of the Flood Risk Addendum is available here.

The Division has created an instruction sheet with additional information regarding the use of these forms. The forms linked above supersede any forms previously posted by the Division, including, but not limited to, the "Amended Disclosure Statement" posted on December 21, 2023.

Press Release

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​For Immediate Release:
October 8, 2020

Office of The Attorney General
Gurbir S. Grewal, Attorney General

Division of Consumer Affairs
Paul R. Rodríguez, Acting Director

Division of Law
Michelle Miller, Director
​​​​ For Further Information Contact:
Lee Moore (609) 292-4791

AG Grewal: NJ Reaches Settlement with Community Health Systems Over Data Breach Acute Care Hospital Operator Will Improve Data Security, Pay Penalty

TRENTON – Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal announced today that New Jersey has entered into a multi-state settlement agreement with acute care hospitals operator CHS/Community Health Systems, Inc. that resolves an investigation into a 2014 data breach in which intruders copied and transferred data of approximately 6.1 million patients, including more than 45,000 New Jersey residents.

At the time of the data breach, CHS, which is headquartered in Franklin, Tennessee, owned, leased, or operated 206 affiliated hospitals across the country, including two clinics located in New Jersey. Exposed in the data breach were the names, birthdates, social security numbers, phone numbers, and addresses of patients.

The settlement announced today also applies to CHS subsidiary CHSPSC, LLC, and requires CHS to make an overall payment of $5 million to the 28 participating states. New Jersey’s share of the settlement payout is $58,202.

In addition to a monetary payment by CHS, today’s settlement requires CHS to put in place specific data protection measures aimed at creating and maintaining a comprehensive security program that will safeguard Personal Information (PI) and Protected Health Information (PHI).

“All companies – but particularly those who deal on a regular basis with peoples’ sensitive personal information, including their private medical information -- have a duty to use appropriate security measures to protect such data,” said Attorney General Grewal.  “When companies fail to effectively safeguard the data they store, we know from history that hackers will seek to exploit that failure.”

“When businesses fail to maintain the kind of security measures that will safeguard sensitive consumer information, data breaches become easier for cyber criminals,” said Acting Division of Consumer Affairs Director Paul R. Rodriguez. ”  This settlement should serve as a message to all patient-care-related businesses in New Jersey that there are consequences attached to not protecting the data they typically ask for – and in many cases require – from consumers.”

Specific information-security measures required under the settlement announced today include:

  • development of a written incident response plan;
  • incorporation of security awareness and privacy training for all personnel with access to PHI;
  • limitation of unnecessary or inappropriate access to PHI; and
  • implementation of specific policies and procedures regarding business associates, including use of business associate agreements and audits of business associates.

Other states participating in the settlement include Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington, and West Virginia.

Kashif T. Chand, Section Chief, and Zachary N. Klein, Deputy Attorney General, of the Data Privacy and Cybersecurity Section in the Division of Law’s Affirmative Civil Enforcement Practice Group handled the CHS matter on behalf of the State.


Last Modified: 3/26/2021 11:18 AM