Electrologists Advisory Committee
Frequently Asked Questions
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Licensing Questions
Must I be a citizen of the United States to be eligible for licensure?
No. New Jersey State law allows for all individuals, regardless of citizenship status, to obtain a professional or occupational license in New Jersey if all requirements for licensure are met. Individuals with undocumented status are eligible for licensure and a social security number is not required for licensure.
How many hours of electrology coursework is required for licensure?
A total of 600 hours: 200 hours of instruction in the theory of electrology and 400 hours of instruction in the clinical practice of electrology. All courses must be given at a program accredited by the Council on Accreditation of Electrology Educational Institutional Programs of the American Electrology Association, or a program deemed equivalent and acceptable by the Committee.
How many licenses do I need to practice in New Jersey?
One for your individual license and, if you are the owner, one for your premises.
How often am I required to renew my license?
You must renew your license
every two years. All electrology licenses have the same expiration date. Your first license may not be valid for a full two years depending on the date which you were licensed.
Training and Exam Questions
How many examinations are required in order to be eligible for licensure?
There are two examinations required for licensure. One is the Jurisprudence examination and one is the International Board of Electrologists Certification (IBEC) examination.
Continuing Education Questions
How many continuing education credits are required for biennial licensure renewals?
A licensed Electrologists applying for biennial license renewal shall complete, during the preceding biennial period, a total of twenty (20) continuing education credits.
Three (3) credits shall be in courses pertaining to universal precautions.
Seventeen (17) credits shall be in courses and/or activities directly related to the practice of electrology.
Other Questions
How do I make a complaint against an electrologist?
To file a complaint directly with the Electrologists Advisory Committee you must downlaod and complete a complaint form (English /
Spanish). Once you have completed the complaint form, mail the completed form to:
New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs
Electrologists Advisory Committee
124 Halsey Street, 6th Floor
P.O. Box 45041
Newark, New Jersey 07101
Your complaint will be processed accordingly.
Last Modified: 4/13/2023 11:08 AM