What is Clinical Supervision/Clinical Social Work?
- For purposes of this section, "two years of full-time clinical social work" means 3,000 hours under direct supervision pursuant to the standards set forth in N.J.A.C. 13:44G-8.1, subsequent to earning a master's degree in social work.
- The 3,000 hours shall be completed in no less than two years and no more than four years.
- At least 1,920 hours of the 3,000 hours shall be in face-to-face client contact, and half of these 1,920 hours shall be in psychotherapeutic counseling.
- The other 1,080 hours can include time spent in supervision or other social work services.
Are Proposed Plans of Supervised Clinical Experience Required?
While not required, it is strongly recommended, a proposed plan is submitted prior to your start date. The purpose of a proposed plan is to allow the Board to approve/deny/offer feedback to the LSW about clinical supervision before the hours have been completed.
When Can Proposed Plans of Supervised Clinical Experience Be Submitted?
- Prior to the start of your employment;
- While supervision is ongoing;
- Anytime there are changes to your supervision and/or employment;
- It is not recommended that a Proposed Plan be submitted if there are only a few months left in a given person's supervised work experience, as this will not allow enough time for the Board to receive and review the plan to offer feedback before the position will have been completed.
How Do I Submit a Proposed Plan of Supervised Clinical Experience?
PLEASE NOTE: Do not send proposed plan applications by postal mail or email. To ensure receipt and processing, you must upload the completed proposed plan to your online profile under your Licensed Social Worker (LSW) license, using the "upload documents" option in the upper left corner of your screen. If you are having trouble accessing your eGov account or uploading your plan, please contact the Board's call center at: 973-504-6495
- Complete the application: Proposed Plan of Supervised Clinical Experience.
- Upload completed application and all supporting documents to the online profile of the LSW through the Upload License Documents tab.
- There is no fee for this application. All subsequent inquiries should be sent to SocialWork@dca.njoag.gov.
Please make sure to always include the following attachments:
- Copy of your supervisor's
Board approved 20-hour supervision course.
- The official job description for the title(s) you held during supervision. The Board considers a job description "official" if it bears agency letterhead and is issued from Human Resources as the standard agency job description for your title.
PLEASE NOTE: We will not accept a letter written for you, personalized with your name, by your supervisor, CEO, HR manager, etc. This description should be the document that was on file when your position was advertised, at the time of your hire.
- Outside supervision letter (if applicable): if your LCSW supervisor does not work for the agency/organization where you are employed, your employer must issue a letter on official letterhead consenting to you discussing your casework with an outside supervisor.